Logo, business cards and promo postcards for a start-up floral design business

Nicola from Bedgebury Blooms was looking for a designer who could help her business take off on the right footing, and approached me after seeing some of the horticultural sector websites I had created for other clients.

The first project was to design the logo,  inspired by beautiful bluebell woodland a stone’s throw from her studio and with a vintage feel to the typography.  The design was then applied to business cards, printed on a high quality textured GF Smith paper.

Nicola also needed something potential customers could take away as a reminder from her stall at a wedding fair and so a set of four postcards were created that could be kept or filled out and sent on, thus potentially expanding the reach.


Bedgebury Blooms business cards and postcards
Informal flowers in basket postcard for Bedgebury BloomsInformal arrangement of flowers in blue jug postcard for Bedgebury Blooms