ginger & fig

chirpy graphic design that's full of flavour

graphic design service

A wide range of materials can be produced as part of a graphic design service to help your business flourish, such as: • logos • branding • business cards • stationery • adverts • flyers • leaflets • booklets • brochures • catalogues • CD artwork • point-of-sale • pull-up banners • pop-up stands • […]

ginger & fig: tasteful graphic design

Fig¹ [noun] Ficus carica deciduous Old World fruiting tree or shrub (also fig tree), of the family Moraceae. a soft pear-shaped fruit with sweet dark flesh and many small seeds, eaten fresh or dried. Fig² [noun] phrase in full fig or in fine fig. dress or array: to appear at a party in full fig . Of […]

ginger and fig: full-on flavour graphic design

Ginger [noun] Zingiber officinale a SE Asian plant, resembling bamboo. a hot, fragrant spice made from the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale, which may be chopped or powdered for cooking, preserved in syrup, or candied. Short for Ginger Ale. [adjective] light reddish-yellow colour. [verb] gingered, to flavour with ginger. ginger up, to make more lively, […]

A graphic designer Tunbridge Wells

Hello there, I’m Natalie Seal, a freelance graphic designer based near Tunbridge Wells, Kent. With 18 years freelance and previously as senior designer at a marketing & design agency, I’ve totted up plenty of experience in graphic design in one way or another. My goodness, how time flies! But why Ginger & Fig? Well, it’s […]